
Dance for peace



VÖ am 27. März 2020

Compact Disc

We live in times of tremendous turbulences. The world seems to be out of joint while mankind is warring with one another. Zealots carry knifes – often in the name of a God who should no longer be allowing this abuse of his name. Artists have often assumed the tasks of politicians and called for reconciliation and peace, working and living together which truly is not as difficult as one would assume – despite cultural specialties and boundaries.

In music primarily, the approaching and understanding for one another functions perfectly. More over: great enjoyment for whatever will enrich one’s life so tremendously – foreign influences for example which will change, yes even broaden one’s own thinking.

The musicians of the ‘Kilimanjaro Dub & Riddim Society’ in short: KDRS, are from Ghana, London, New York, Dakar and the Austrian Vorarlberg. And for the past ten years they are happily dancing together in Bezau, located in the idyllic Bregenz Forest. Consequently, they named the third studio album of this international democratic collective „Dance For Peace“.
During the wild Sixties of which some influence of the sextet can still be detected, the means to fight the injustice on our planet, the war in Vietnam, against sovereigns and oppressors were still wild, aggressive and subversive. The KDR Society is choosing another way by working for a better world with the peaceful means of the universal language of music and hoping it will lead to relaxation. With no sweat at all, are those musicians of three continents, full of tremendous vitality and love of life letting the rhythms of jazz, funk and African patterns flow. These rhythms are of almost hypnotic effect.

The unobtrusive retro sound, trumpet player Herbert Walser, guitarist Herve Samb, keyboarder Peter Madsen, bassist Mark Mondesir, percussionist Kofi Quarshie and drummer and mastermind Alfred Vogel are cultivating is saturated with a lot of musical presence and at the same time a timelessness. The band is prove for values which should be preserved and today’s insight which, without any difficulties can be combined with the virtues of the past. The sound of the ensemble also shows that all cultural varieties can rapidly turn into an organic drive. Whoever is listening to the Kilimanjaro Dub & Riddim Society will soon forget trying to investigate where the individual influences may be coming from, the listener will merely accept the music as a whole.

The former albums of the collective where highly praised by the press. The magazine „Jazzthetik“ stated „The KDRSociety on its new CD is so relaxing, one would love to eliminate any thinking – only then one would miss this or the other.“

And in the „Westfälischer Anzeiger“, one could read: „Whoever likes Chick Corea’s „Return To Forever“, and Hancock’s „Headhunters“ will with this CD be fully rewarded with real grooves and catching themes.“


Herve Samb


Peter Madsen

fender rhodes piano & keys

Herbert Walser


Michael Mondesir


Kofi Quarshie

congas & percussion

Alfred Vogel

drums & percussion


All compositions by Peter Madsen except "Tribal" which was written by Herve Samb

Produced by the KDRSociety

Recorded on oct 15th/16th in 2013 at Tonschmiede Bezau by Oliver Rath
Mixed and mastered by Oliver Rath
Photo by Marcello Girardelli
Cover by Lucas Dietrich

Orignal Release: 6th Feb 2015