



VÖ am 9. November 2018


“it is a very rare thing to hear complex music being played in such a relaxed and soulful manner” (jazzthing, Götz Bühler)

„Some say that music has reached its limits, that everything we hear is repetition, at best a re-organisation of everything that once was. ‘Intensivstation’, beg to differ. And rightly so!“ (Wolf Kampmann)

Through a series of instrumental collisions, this collective has split the musical atom anew, releasing enormous amounts of playful, ecstatic, inter personal and spiritual energy. Yes, this ‘Intensivstation’ may provide the medicine we sorely need.

John Schröder, the untamable multi-instrumentalist from Berlin, the Swiss made Wolfgang Zwiauer, rightly named one of the most competent bass players of his generation and Alfred Vogel, the octopus that all but consumes his drum kit can all drop names, having each individually performed and composed with some of Europe’s most renowned Jazz musicians. However, it is within the boundlessness of this three-man band that they create the musical meltdown that can only occur when the energy of the moment is given exclusive rights to guide capable hands, creative and open minds.

At times Miles’ ‘Bitches Brew’ enters the room, Sonny Shamrock or Ornette Colemans early ‘Prime Time Experiments’, only to be shaken, distorted, scratched and dragged willingly in to unknown territory. The creatures of noise and drone, Patchwork Music, Drum ‘n Bass, Death Metal, Electronic Music, Blues, Hip Hop have all found their way to this ‘emergency room’ where they are given space to do their magic…


John Schröder

fender rhodes, guitar, drums

Wolfgang Zwiauer

bass + electronics

Alfred Vogel



Recorded by Olli Rath (2015) and Alfred Vogel (2018)
Mixed and mastered by Alfred Vogel